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Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture, by Michael Savage

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From best-selling author of Stop the Coming Civil War, Michael Savage reveals the massive dangers currently leading to the demise of our government.
Michael Savage has been warning Americans for decades, and now it's here. In Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture, Savage sounds the alarm about how Progressives and radical Islamists are each unwittingly working toward similar ends: to destroy Western civilization and remake it in their own respective images. These two dark forces are transforming our once-free republic into a socialist, third world dictatorship ruled by Government Zero: absolute government and zero representation.
Combining in-depth analysis with biting commentary, Savage cuts through mainstream media propaganda to reveal an all-out attack on our borders, language, and culture by progressive travelers who have hijacked public policy, from national defense to immigration to public education.
Find out everything you need to know about this terrifying agenda to weaken the US military, cripple the American economy, subvert basic American liberties such as freedom of speech, and destroy the international world order.
There is no time to lose. The Progressive-Islamist agenda has advanced into every public space, from the White House to the military to your local public school. If America is to survive, it has to be stopped. Michael Savage has a plan. Get the inside story before it's too late.
- Sales Rank: #28797 in Audible
- Published on: 2015-10-27
- Released on: 2015-10-27
- Format: Unabridged
- Original language: English
- Running time: 562 minutes
Most helpful customer reviews
283 of 296 people found the following review helpful.
You May Not Like the Message, but Most of the Conclusions are Spot On
By D. Buxman
I was having trouble getting to sleep when this book came across my Kindle, but after the first few pages I knew it was going to be a long night. First of all, I've never listened to Savage's radio show (I'm just not a radio guy), or purchased any of his books. Contrary to the one star reviewers who didn't actually read this book, I think the central theme is undeniable. We have a government that only acts to expand itself at the expense of the citizens. We have zero leadership, zero accountability and zero representation. The historical parallels that the author highlights are also interesting, along with his comparison of the Progressive movement and the Islamofascists, who come from different perspectives, but who appear to have the same goal; the destruction of freedom as manifested by the American Ideal.
Lest you think that this is some sort of Republican rah-rah book, I should point out that Savage keenly illustrates the fact that recent periods of Republican control have given us nothing in terms of smaller, more efficient government or more freedom, but have only yielded an imperceptible slowing of the Progressive agenda. This is probably best manifested by the kabuki theater surrounding the most recent debt ceiling debate where Republicans look to acquiesce to the tune of over $19 trillion, while achieving nothing meaningful in return.
204 of 216 people found the following review helpful.
Government Zero Should Be Required Reading
By Amazonian
Make no mistake -- the ever self-righteous, indoctrinated elitist progressives that seem to make up a larger percentage of the noise level in our country are going to go out of their way to trash Dr. Savage's new book, some of them probably without even reading it. Many of them won't read this book because it contains exactly what they don't want to know or admit -- the unvarnished truth about what they, and their intellectual ilk, are doing to our country in the names of their various activist causes and their broken ideologies. They will read about how the leftist, Marxist propaganda machine in the United States is, in the name of "fairness", "equality", or "justice" (pick your buzzword) consuming the masses with a level of claptrap that's never been seen before. The leftist response to this book will most likely be their typical reaction -- to attempt to attack the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with them by calling them "right-wing nutjobs", "religious freaks", or "teabaggers". It's the best they have.
To preface my review of Dr. Savage's book, then, let me set the stage: I am a professional who considers himself to be a relatively middle-of-the road conservative. Much to the dismay of the foul-mouthed leftists, I don't live a trailer park, don't "cling to my guns in the name of Jesus", and don't belong to the Tea Party and never have. I do think that Congress has become infested with lunatics on both the right and the left, and I do think the situation in our country has become dire.
Michael Savage (whether you like him or not) hits the ground running from Page One and the book is nearly impossible to put down. Dr. Savage spares no time, ink, or feelings in this remarkable and hard-hitting expose of the machinery and ideologies behind what is fast becoming -- and could very well become if unchecked -- the utter destruction of the United States. "Government Zero" is absolute, unchecked government power and, as a result, zero representation of the people. As Dr. Savage points out so well, we now have a rogue government of traitors and snakes that seem to enjoy doing the opposite will of the citizens. It has become a government of itself, by itself, and for itself, run by lobbyists. Another extremely good point that Dr. Savage makes is how the progressives in our country (who have long waged a war on religion for their own ideological purposes) share their vision with the strangest of bedfellows -- the radical Islamists. The left is so blinded by their crazed ideology for a Utopian universe that they willingly march in lockstep with Islam, make excuses for radical Islam's atrocities, and calling anyone who disagrees with them "bigots". They turn their focus to alleged "threats" from Christians and conservatives and give passes to the radical Islamists who rape 8 year olds and throw homosexuals off of buildings.
Whether you agree with everything Dr. Savage says or not -- whether you listen to his radio show or not -- this book should be required reading for anyone who loves our country and is interested in where we've been headed and why.
296 of 317 people found the following review helpful.
America's descent into anarcho-tyranny - adeptly chronicled by the one and only Savage
By cacoethes scribendi
The great eighteenth-century conservative Edmund Burke - foreshadowing Savage! - once wrote that "society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more of it there must be without."
Within the confines of this wonderful book, Michael Savage (née Weiner -(Freud would've enjoyed that stage name!) grimly chronicles
the complete and utter disintegration and destruction of America in a way that surely would cause Burke to crack a smile in the grave.
What Savage is describing in his usage of the term 'government zero' surely would have interested the late, great writer Sam Francis, who himself coined the term 'anarcho-tyranny' - i.e., "we refuse to control real criminals (that's the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that's the tyranny)".
Savage is all too aware that America dangles precariously at the precipice of no return. The dumbed-down leftist indoctrination taught within 'public' (government) schools has utterly crippled generations of Americans through K-12 brainwashing (there's no other word for it!) that teaches them to utterly despise and actively work to destroy America, her collective Anglo-Saxon heritage and her Christian (Protestant) faith. Its fruits are the suicidal miseducation of a nation via the cults of multiculturalism and egalitarianism. We witness this most starkly in the entire life and career of Barack Obama - to the detriment, of course, of the historic American nation.
Savage knows that my generation of 'millennials' have been educated in curriculum and textbooks written by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his fellow edu-criminals, which has produced the Social Justice Warrior/racial grievance generation. Combined with the toxic psychological narcissism of Facebook (thanks, Zuck) America has millions upon millions of wannabe Kardashians and Black Panthers, a people whose political, moral and civic knowledge is tragically limited to whatever toxic garbage gets re-Tweeted by the #blacklivesmatter cult and fawned over by a hagiographic, lying mass media.
Savage, a man who in his youth and folly literally doled out the acid for Timothy Leary at Millbrook, is a wise, very conservative (thank God!) and hilariously funny man who broadcasts daily from within his refuge of the People's Republic of San Francisco. Listen to him, read this book and please, fellow Amazon patrons, let's take America back.
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